MYHR Consultancy


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We’ve all heard the horror stories of family run businesses resulting in horrendous bust ups and complete estrangement. Yet there are others that are tremendously successful and last for generations. What is the secret of success? Over the years we’ve dealt with a number of grievances that have, sadly, caused pain and suffering to the

It used to be so simple didn’t it? Work, fill up pension pot, take retirement at 60 or 65, draw pension and take endless holidays. Not so nowadays. Some would say that the way we work leads to multiple careers, several pensions and/or Insurance policies and a ‘live for today’ attitude. The demographics also mean

So yet again, it’s Monday morning and one of your team has called to say that they were playing rugby over the weekend and they’ve twisted their ankle. Their absence may last for a few days. It’s the fourth time this has happened this year, and for you as a manager, it’s now having a

You’ve decided things at work have got to change. People are moving to work for a new line manager Processes are going to change, making your business more efficient You’re moving your staff into different roles Whatever the change, have you planned in some time to talk to the staff affected? We don’t mean negotiate,

Many of us will have seen countless grievances, complaints, impossible working relationships and personality clashes at work. I expect we have all seen the effects these can bring about too – negative tension, stress, despair, poor morale, demotivated staff, increased sick absence levels and decreased productivity. Try some mediation as medication! Faced with any issue

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