The more people there are in your business, will inevitably mean more issues to deal with along the way…

Legislation, conflict, employment law, pensions and the labour market can all be daunting areas, but with a vast team of expert HR consultants and more than 200 years combined experience, the difference we could make to your business could be staggering. 

Whether you’re a new start up, or an established company with in house HR personnel, our ‘Pay as You Go’ HR Consultancy Service is the most flexible and cost effective way of achieving long term stability within your workforce. For just a small monthly fee, you can call upon the highest calibre HR professionals, ready to assist your business in a wide range of ways. Our flexible HR consultancy service is especially efficient during contentious matters such as redundancies, redeployment and disciplinaries.

Many businesses see HR as an added luxury, when in fact your people can be the single most important aspect of determining business success.

Read our most popular Q&As below to fully understand how we can help your business...

Why should I use your service instead of my own HR?

We'll save you a lot of money!

The average cost of employing a CIPD qualified HR Professional is between £40k and £60k, dependent on location. We firmly believe our service will make you savings by removing the need to recruit but enhancing your access to professional expertise.

If you do have your own HR team, we can provide a very useful complementary service, being available to give impartial advice and support, as well as back-filling in times of absence.

Available constantly on the other end of the phone, we have many years of experience between us in dealing with complex HR issues. We will get to know your business, and ensure that you are on a very firm footing by auditing your HR policies and procedures as an initial freebie. We can also help to train your staff in the more detailed casework and legislative framework.

We only have a few staff and never need any support.

It’s very rare for organisations not to encounter staffing problems at some stage, so if they haven’t yet arisen they will, and it’s better to be prepared.

If something does go wrong, such as dealing with a difficult employee, or a long term sickness, these cases need handling sensitively and with professionalism which our team have been doing for many years.

The difference in preparation could be the difference between success or failure.

We use another paid service for our staffing & employment support.

We believe that our costs are very competitive and would ask you to compare them with what you pay now.

From as little as £75 per month you could be very pleasantly surprised to see how much we could save your business!

We call ACAS if we need help.

ACAS are great for free advice and set a standard for Industry.

But the extra services we offer mean you’ll have more than just advice…

We can support you right through individual casework and projects as well as much more, on a face to face basis, ensuring you follow the right processes and produce the right documentation.

We call our professional body/association when we need help.

They are great for advice and we would always recommend that small specialist businesses subscribe to their professional bodies but MYHR can support you right through individual casework as well as much more.

The difference we can make can be staggering.

What if the case goes to tribunal or court?

MYHR can support with tribunal cases and we also work with a number of legal firms, who we would be happy to recommend for legal advice.

They can be engaged on a case by case basis, or through an Insurance policy which covers costs associated with a legal case, and that can be mean all costs, even in the unlikely event you were to lose the case.

We prefer on site HR support for our staff.

That’s a fantastic position to take and one we would always encourage if it’s practical.

Our consultants are very happy to be available for face- to-face involvement, subject to COVID-19 guidelines. However, it’s also possible to deliver all our services to a high standard, remotely via telephone or video call.

What's the minimum contract term for a monthly retainer with MYHR?

All retainer contracts are for a minimum of 12 months and we work on a rolling contract basis.

What's the notice period to terminate a contract/ Retainer with MYHR?

The notice period is 3 months after the minimum contract term of 12 months.

How quickly can I expect a response from MYHR?

We will respond as soon as possible, but always within 1 working day of receiving the enquiry/ request.

What if we have an emergency situation outside of office hours, can MYHR support?

All retained clients are assigned a dedicated MYHR account manager and are provided with specific contact details for this person as well as the MYHR central phone number.

Out of hours support can be provided on request and you should discuss this with your dedicated account manager.

Interested? Call Us On 0330 678 3554 To Book Your Free 1-1 Consultation