You’re Fired!!

The build up is complete and the decision is made. Some poor unsuspecting soul is about to be ejected from the programme on what appears to be a minor misunderstanding or a behavioural faux pas. Putting to one side the board room and workplace behaviours, programme producers are, of course, quite entitled to portray it […]

Keep it in the family

We’ve all heard the horror stories of family run businesses resulting in horrendous bust ups and complete estrangement. Yet there are others that are tremendously successful and last for generations. What is the secret of success? Over the years we’ve dealt with a number of grievances that have, sadly, caused pain and suffering to the […]

Religious wear – What’s the limits in the workplace?

There’s been a lot of press recently about religious wear with some French Mayors causing controversy by banning ‘burkinis’ on the beaches and some countries going as far as banning face covering such as depicted above. Other ‘interested’ parties are seeking action against Islamic clothing in general. Have you considered the impact on your workplace […]

Can I see my Personnel file please?

How many of us were in HR when the Data Protection Act was introduced in 1998? It certainly made us wonder what was in a Personnel file and probably opened our eyes when we got around to checking them. Of course it had been around since 1984 but was updated in 1998 to create a […]

Disciplinary Investigations – do I need 100% proof?

Many people are of the belief that to uphold a disciplinary allegation and give any sort of formal sanction (including dismissal), they need to prove ‘beyond all reasonable doubt’ that the offence was committed. This really is NOT the case.  Internal investigations for disciplinary matters are not the same as criminal proceedings. Employers need to […]

Social Media Policies – Are they really necessary?

The use of social media as a recruitment tool is well known, but does everyone realise it’s also great for ‘interviewing’ and ‘reviewing’? I know many a recruiting manager who will check an individual’s Facebook or Linkedin profile as part of the screening process. Why wouldn’t they? After all it will tell us an awful […]

Recruiting? Which contract is best? Probation, Trial Period or Fixed Term.

You’ve made the decision to advertise a job, but you know that a critical issue in the appointment of whoever you choose is that they deliver the goods, otherwise their appointment may well be a waste of time and money. What’s the Right Option for You? Whichever the option, make sure your employment contract reflects […]

Can’t retire, won’t retire. What are the employer options?

It used to be so simple didn’t it? Work, fill up pension pot, take retirement at 60 or 65, draw pension and take endless holidays. Not so nowadays. Some would say that the way we work leads to multiple careers, several pensions and/or Insurance policies and a ‘live for today’ attitude. The demographics also mean […]