Home » Monthly Retainer HR Consultancy Services
Our retainer based HR Consultancy service is primarily aimed at small or medium sized businesses who, by virtue of their size, have limited in-house HR resource or expertise. The service is restricted to day to day operational HR activities.
Whether you’re a new start up, or an established company with in-house HR personnel, our Monthly Retainer HR Consultancy Service is the most flexible and cost effective way of achieving long term stability within your workforce. For just a small monthly fee, you can call upon the highest calibre HR professionals, ready to assist your business in a wide number of means. Our flexible HR consultancy service is especially efficient during contentious matters such as redundancies, redeployment and disciplinaries.
Alternatively, we also offer a ‘pay as you go’ service for clients who prefer not to sign up to a monthly retainer.
Our bespoke retainer package allows you to incorporate a range of unique additional services for truly customised HR support.
Clients paying a monthly retainer receive a reduced rate of £75 per hour for support with any additional operational HR work.
The ‘pay as you go’ charge rates for non-retained clients are from £100 – £150 per hour dependent on complexity and the level of Associate involved.
Support can be provided remotely or face-to face. If travel to clients’ site is required, travel expenses will be charged at HMRC rates.
Where retained or non-retained clients request other ‘non-operational HR’ work, then quotes will be provided at the time of request, e.g. for Staff Training, Project Management, Policy Development etc.